Highest Standards of Ethical Behavior
For decades, the William Goldberg name has been synonymous with the highest standard of diamonds. We are also known for maintaining the very highest of business ethics and responsibility.
The Code of Practices under which we operate, ensures we meet the highest standards of ethical behavior. This encompasses not only the way in which we operate our business, but the standards which we expect from our suppliers and customers.
William Goldberg believes in ethical, social and environmental accountability. We build on international standards for responsible business practices. We have established, implemented and now maintain a set of due diligence procedures.
We are a Member of the Responsible Jewellery Council since 2020. This standard covers all parts of our business and include human rights, health and safety, working conditions, anti-corruption endeavors and minimizing the impact we have on the environment.
In line with RJC Standards on reporting and disclosure, the following documents are made publicly available via this website:
Our RJC Policy and Commitment
Our Human Rights Policy
Our Supply Chain Policy
Our annual Supply Chain Due Diligence Report
Our annual Sustainability Report
If you would like to know more about our sustainability efforts and performance, the various policies against which our company has been independently audited or if you have any grievances to address us, please send us an email at info@williamgoldberg.com.
The Goldberg family are committed to creating the world’s most beautiful diamonds and captivating jewelry pieces. By meeting the promise of “The Magic is in the Make”™, we ensure that our standards reach the highest level.
Endorsed by Saul Goldberg, Eve Goldberg, Barry Berg and Benjamin Goldberg.